3 Simple Weight Loss Tips
I ran into a friend, who gave me a big hug and said I was a "genius." I'm no Einstein, but tell me more! After months of frustration, she'd finally started losing weight. How? By following a few tips, I'd shared and stand firmly behind them. Here they are: Be accountable for what you eat. The most cost-effective and pragmatic way to do this is by keeping a food diary. Those new to journaling are often shocked by the amount of mindless eating during the day. Writing it down makes you conscious of each bite, leading to smaller portions and healthier choices. Are we often unaware of the effect of the type of food we intake on our bodies? As a result, people often eat what their mouth desires, ignoring the body's requirements. This mistake should be avoided, and one of the best weight loss tips is to keep track of your daily intake. According to the Vegan imperative, making minor changes to our diet, such as drinking more water, consuming green veget...