5 Yoga Poses to Calm Down When You’re Stressed at Work
Stress can creep up on us like unwelcome visitor during a bustling work environment. Deadlines, demanding colleagues, and endless tasks can send our minds into a whirlwind, leaving us yearning for tranquillity. But fear not, for within the realms of yoga lies a collection of calming poses ready to sweep you away from the chaos and bring you back to a place of inner serenity. So, if you find yourself overwhelmed and in desperate need of a respite, join us as we explore five great yoga relief stress poses that will help you find your center and reclaim your peace amidst the daily grind of work. 5 Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress 1. Child's Pose Child's Pose, also known as Balasana, is a gentle resting yoga relief stress pose that helps release back, shoulders, and neck tension. It is particularly beneficial for calming the mind and soothing frayed nerves. To practice Child's Pose: 1. Start kneeling on the floor with your big toes touching and knees...